Planning Your Website, Part 1

There are many things that you can do prior to meeting to set up your site. Here is a selection of questions that will help you organize your ideas to build a site.

What is the purpose of the site?

Who will be the main site users and viewers? Who is the target audience? What is the site supposed to do?

What are the key features of the site?

What special features do you want on your site?

Do you have a domain name?

If you already have a domain name, make sure to keep your registration, username, and password in your files. If you don’t have a domain name yet, generate a list of options. You will have to search at a domain registration site to see if the desired name is available. If not, list alternatives. If it is available, purchase the domain to reserve it as soon as possible.

Do you have existing branding?

Do you have a logo? Do you have an existing color scheme? If not, what colors, patterns, or design elements do you like?

How do you want your site to be organized?

Generate a site map — or a map that shows the flow of your website. What do you want your main navigation tabs to be? What will the sub-navigation be?

What websites do you like?

Generate a list of sites that you like. Identify key site features or design elements that you like.